Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rubber Room: Get-ting Bet-ter All the Time

Over the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel from the Jersey side there's a giant billboard of the Beatles looking extremely young.  It's there to remind us that Beatles songs are now available on iTunes. 

I can't get through the tunnel without at least one Beatles tune running through my head.

The play was great from the very start.  Individual performances have shined from the first day, but now, in the last two rounds, it keeps getting better, getting better all the time.

I think it's because the actors are taking more chances with each other.   Where there were only words before, I now see embraces, sometimes tears.

I think it's because the actors are more comfortable in their parts, having done them on this stage a handful of times.

I think it's because everyone is more comfortable with the stage itself.  They know where things are.

I think it's because they trust more the idea of interacting with other actors they may not have seen before. 

I don't know any of this for sure.

I'll need to wait to hear from them what it is about the parts that keeps improving the whole.


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