Friday, July 15, 2011

Horrible Bosses

Since I’m a boss myself, I went to Horrible Bosses expecting from it a how-to manual. But, no… it’s some kind of comedy. People in the audience were laughing -- not taking it seriously at all -- and some of them I happen to know are bosses themselves.

There is a bit of dead space before things get going, but once they do, they take off.

This is also one of those films that make you feel that everyone is in it. Donald Sutherland, Kevin Spacey, Collin Farrell, Jimmy Foxx, Jennifer Aniston plus some other surprises, not to mention the three leads – Charlie Day and the two Jasons – Sudeikas and Bateman.

My only fear is that my male employees, when comparing me to Jennifer Aniston and all she has to offer, will conclude that I am a horrible boss indeed!

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